Acne & Acne Scars

It is a skin disorder that develops when dead skin cells and extra sebum clog hair follicles. Once the pores are blocked with sebum, the acne-causing bacterium (Acne Vulgaris) multiplies, resulting in pustular and nodular acne.

Hormonal dysregulation, stress, an unhealthy lifestyle, poor skincare, cosmetics, and physical irritants such tudung, helmets, heat, etc. are other contributing reasons. Face, neck, jawline, chest, back, and shoulders are often afflicted areas. It may also show up at various stages and degrees of severity. Along with healing slowly, they also leave behind scars with uneven textures and obstinate pigmentation.

Treatments at LINDA TLMC VENTURE might include topical, oral, peel, and laser procedures. According on the severity of each person's acne and acne scars as well as their skin type, the treatments are typically customised for them.

Acne and acne scarring are disorders that require proper treatment to avoid further, irreversible harm as well as sadness and low self-esteem in the future.

After 2 to 4 weeks of personalised treatment, improvements in skin health and scarring can be observed.

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